Saturday, August 20, 2011

19th week and beyond

Me and my partner is facing a lot of concerns lately but we're much happier ( i speak for myself). Less past, less quarrel, less irritation...more happy moments even with the VERY late night-early morning sleep-VERY limited sleep we have...err HE have most of the time.Sacrifices...we need to do to be able to save for our baby.

I've been checked by my OB twice this week because of my worsening cough which started last 31st of July. I lost my voice, I had difficulty breathing, sleeping, speaking and even eating.It's as if I'm suffering from asthma. Prescriptions were given and along with it goes a suppository for UTI- a condition that's common among pregnant women because the vagina is more exposed and the chemical changes "down there" along with the hormonal changes one has to go through this period.Tough ain't fun drinking a lot of those tablets and it's also the first time i have to insert something in my vagina. It's for our baby's sake so everything's okay though it makes me wonder and hope and pray that even with all of these, my kid-o is doing okay and isn't affected by those (especially when i cough so hard that it makes me pee a little at a time on my undies...eeew! i have to change from time to time just to stay fresh).

I've been cleared yesterday and given a fit to work certificate.Now my partner is more worried that I have to go to work and travel. This is another matter that we are still in serious thought. My pregnancy is somewhat delicate and since this is our first child we want to be able to make sure that we do all the necessary precaution to ensure our baby's safety and mine. However, work is inevitable with the needs that we have to supplement.Financially, the shop is earning and we're saving a little at a time.I can sleep whenever I need to here in the shop. I also enjoy assisting my partner here. On the other hand, the company gave me a health card and my check ups are free through that. I am able to reimbursed my medicine's expenses too through the medical reimbursement program. The company aids you with your delivery expenses by giving you an equivalent of a month's salary by the time you give birth and of course allowed leave from work. They're also the one who follows up you're Social Security claims, like for sickness and maternity. Those are just some of the things to be considered.

Another matter is that, my tummy will grow bigger these next months and it will be hard to STILL sleep on the floor by then. Although we have a place at my partner's house, we both feel that it's time to go SOLO and separate ourselves from there. Since most of the money we have was invested here in the shop, and the rent for the lot from Bell Tower is unclear whether it's still going to push through...for now, we can't afford much for the down payment asked for those houses we saw at the nearby subdivision so we could move in (we will believe and pray for that to happen). We both refuse to rent because the expenses will just double and the place we'll rent won't do us good in the long run, it's like you're throwing your hard earned money for something very temporary that you will also need in the long run. The loan. Social Security System has a housing loan through bank, but for me to afford that, I have to be employed and working. That will be their assurance that I can pay for the loan in the nest years to come. Employment also somewhat assures you of an approval from these banking institutions.

We have 4 more months before your arrival kid-o. I hope that the cobwebs Papa has in his mind will ALL be gone so we can just focus on US and what's really important...and that's YOU.Mama and Papa hopes to make things better for you and for the three of us by then.

26th week

its been a while since i last wrote an entry here...a lot happened between then and now. my tummy and my baby is bigger and now we know our...