Sunday, May 8, 2011


I've been feeling different for a couple of weeks now and I am suppose to have my period already this week. I was not quite sure about my calendar last month and a bit nervous i brave going to the pharmacy and bought my first pregnancy test kit. I didn't thought it would be easy and just a few minutes I got my result.

Today is Sunday. The 8th of May...and I am pregnant. I AM PREGNANT!!! and this is going to be my first child.^^

The discovery that I am pregnant also brought the realization that I am embarking a new journey. A journey to motherhood.I am taking part in this great miracle of life. I just read them in books and used to watch them in films and now its really going to happen and is happening "in" me. I don't know about timing and everything but i believe in "REASONS". I believe that this child is being given to me by God at this time for a reason and for whatever reason, I trust in His Divine intervention in my life.

Thank you for this blessing and a more meaningful and Happy Mother's day to me!^^

26th week

its been a while since i last wrote an entry here...a lot happened between then and now. my tummy and my baby is bigger and now we know our...